Our Roots
The Church of the Nazarene stems from the Protestant tradition. More specifically, our denomination's origins come from an 18th century reformer named John Wesley who believed in both the transformation of one's heart through the Holy Spirit and serving the broken and hurting of our world in love. The term "Nazarene" refers to Jesus, who was of the town Nazareth, and intentionally highlights His humble origins and ministry. Thus, we are a church today that believes in the Lord calling us to be continually transformed into His likeness and to bring Good News to the marginalized around us.

Our Beliefs
We have many beliefs (or, Articles of Faith as we call them) that are difficult to summarize so briefly. In short, we believe that God calls us to a life of holiness made possible by His sanctifying grace. New life isn't something that waits until after death; we can experience it and share it by participating in God's kingdom right here and right now!
Click here for our Manual with all our beliefs: https://resources.nazarene.org/index.php/s/KGiJra8WZQjjZwb
Click here for our Manual with all our beliefs: https://resources.nazarene.org/index.php/s/KGiJra8WZQjjZwb
Our Church
Officially known as "First Church of the Nazarene," our local church has been serving the city of Big Spring, Texas since 1928. We carry a long, proud tradition of bearing our "Nazarene" name well by making Kingdom kinds of differences to our community. Whether it's our longtime ties to local humanitarian organizations, a decades-old Nativity drive-thru scene, or other ministries, we believe you'll find that Naz Family Church has its admirable reputation for a reason!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10 am