Manna Ministry Food Pantry

So what is Manna?

Manna is a Hebrew word meaning "what is it".  

In the Bible,  manna was the miraculous food that God provided to the Israelites during their 40 years in the wilderness.  It appeared each morning like small flakes of bread, sustaining them on their journey to the Promised Land.  The story of manna is found in Exodus 16, where the Israelites learned to trust God for their daily needs.  Manna teaches us about God's care and provision, showing that He provides for us in ways we may not expect, even in difficult circumstances.  Just as the Israelites were nourished by manna each day, we can trust that God will provide for us in both spiritual and physical ways today.  

At Naz Family, we believe in the power of community and compassion.  Our mission at church is to love God and love others, and one of our communities greatest needs is food.  Our food pantry is here to serve those in need by providing essential groceries and meals to individuals and families facing difficult times.  

Who We Serve:
Our food pantry is open to anyone in the community who could use a helping hand.  Whether you're struggling to make ends meet or simply need temporary assistance, we're here for you.  

What Makes Our Food Panty Different?
At Manna Ministry, we strive to give out complete meal kits and recipe cards.  Our goal is to make food easy and fun.   Deciding what to make, or what groceries are needed are made much more simple when we provide the main ingredients.  

How It Works:  
 Just call our office before you come so that we may gather your meal,  bring a valid state issued ID,  fill out our online questionnaire below (or scan QR code on office door).    Once you get to our office (the red brick house in front of our church), you'll ring our doorbell, hand us your ID and our friendly volunteers will assist you with your meal kit.   At this time, we are currently allowing each family to receive one to two meal varieties once a month .   We strive to create a welcoming environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, by being the hands and feet of Christ.  

Pantry Hours:
Tuesday and Thursday10:00am - 1:00pm
1400 South Lancaster street

How You Can Help:
Manna Ministry operates thanks to the generosity of our congregation and community.   If you'd like to help financially,  or donate food to our pantry, please call our office at 432-267-7015 and we would be happy to get you a list of pantry needs.  

Contact Us:
If you have any questions or need more information, please don't hesitate to reach out to us during our business hours listed above, or email us at

If you are in need and would like to receive a box of food from our food pantry, please click below to fill out our required questionnaire form.